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Daarom kunt u geen rechten ontlenen aan de op deze website geboden informatie. Voor specifieke en zekere informatie kunt u altijd contact opnemen.
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Vooruit Persoonlijke Bewindvoering endeavors to inform you as completely and correctly as possible through this website about its services and background. Nevertheless, it might occur that some of the information could be incorrect, incomplete and/or obsolete.
Furthermore, the information on this website is meant purely as general and informative. For specific and detailed information you are advised to contact us directly.
Vooruit Persoonlijke Bewindvoering accepts no liability for any direct, indirect, exceptional, incidental, immaterial or consequential damages occurring out of using information on this website.
The reproduction and publishing (of parts of) the content on this website for non personal and/or commercial use, in whatever form, in whatever way, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Budgetteer Gemert-Bakel.